
at Devonshire House School

A wide and varied range of sports are on offer.  Matches are played against other schools and some pupils go on to sports scholarships and to national standards.  There are hotly contested internal competitions between the five ‘Houses’ within the School, with a friendly camaraderie.

The aim of the Upper School sports department is for each child to leave the School having thoroughly enjoyed games.

The Sports Programme supports children in their personal and social development, as well as physically, as they take part in individual and team activities. Pupils develop qualities of perseverance, co-operation, leadership and sportsmanship, and can become passionate about sports they can keep for life. A sensitive approach means each pupil develops enthusiasm and competence, regardless of ability.

The Annual Sports Day includes competitive athletics and other races, with the Sports’ Trophy awarded to the winning ‘House’: pupils develop a great loyalty to their teams and their House.
