Importance of Science & Technology

Advances in science & technology are changing our societal landscape on a seemingly daily basis. If we are to succeed in equipping your child to navigate their future, a strong grounding in STEM subjects is paramount.



We teach your child to be a confident and enthusiastic scientist. We give your child the skills they need to tackle new scientific topics armed with confident critical thinking skills, an understanding of scientific methods and intellectual curiosity for what they will learn.

Science is taught as one subject to Year 6, and then split into Biology, Chemistry & Physics from Year 7. We enrich the curriculum with activities designed to engage your child and cement our position as a community leader in inspiring science:

  • Daily inspiring science videos
  • Fortnightly ‘Science at Home challenges’ e.g. turning a leaf into a boat; lighting up a lightbulb in the microwave; making a homemade stethoscope or pin-hole camera; making chalk from eggshells or invisible ink from lemon juice; turning a white rose rainbow coloured
  • Annual Science Fair inviting local schools to compete as teams
  • Regular internal challenges & events: e.g. Year 3 & 4 egg-rolling challenge: build a contraption to see how far a hard-boiled egg will roll
  • One-off workshops led by professionals e.g. Flash bang chemistry display for Year 6.



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