
Versatile campus

Our versatile campus across 4 age-specific sites gives your child access to excellent and age-appropriate specialist facilities from an early age.



A self-contained haven tucked away from the hustle of the main school. Completely refurbished inside and out in 2023, the beautiful, natural interiors are complemented by amazing outdoor spaces including:

  • Buggy Park for parents
  • Sustainable playground with sandpits, mud kitchen, climbing frame, pirate ship
  • Planting / sensory area
  • Covered area

Middle school (Year 3 – Year 5)

The Middle School facilities reflect the fact that your child starts to have subject specialist teachers. Spaces include:

  • Fully equipped science lab
  • Art room
  • Music room
  • Music practice rooms
  • Multipurpose hall with lighting / sound system for drama
  • Subject specific rooms for French and drama
  • Library
  • Technology suite
  • 2 x playground areas

Upper school (Year 6 – Year 8)

The Upper school is designed to bridge the gap between Prep and Senior school. Recently refurbished, our specialist spaces include:

  • 2 x Technology labs
  • Music room
  • Art Studio
  • Fully equipped science lab
  • Multi-purpose hall
  • Library
  • Learning support room
  • Subject specific rooms for French, drama & technology
  • Astro playground


In addition to our own indoor and outdoor spaces used for PE, we use a variety of high-quality external facilities for sports. From Year 2, your child will travel by executive coach to:

  • Stone X Stadium
  • Royal Free Recreation Club
  • North London Cricket Club
  • Power League Football Centre
  • Georgians Tennis Academy
  • Barnet Copthall Playing fields

© Devonshire House 2024