
Embracing opportunity

Childhood is the time to try new things, to embrace opportunity and identify new talents. Many is the podcast interviewee who mentions passions unearthed in school at an early age.

That’s why the co-curricular programme is open to your child from Reception through to Year 8. Most clubs are run by members of staff in the appropriate age groups and included in the fees.

Co-Curricular Programme

Student-led Programme

Will it be Rollerskating or Running? Baking, Book Club or Belleplates? Coding, Chess, Chamber Orchestra or Comic Book Club? Meditation or M-Tech? The programme is student-led with ideas for new clubs, such as Play-Doh club, coming via the student council. A handful of activities, such as Ballet, Judo, LAMDA and Yoga are run by external providers

Trips & visits

Each half term, your child will have a trip, visiting speaker or workshop. We make full use of the local area, and London’s amazing learning opportunities to broaden your child’s horizons.

Usually topic related, these experiences play a vital role in bringing classroom learning to life and exposing your child to moments which ignite a spark.

Annual residentials from Year 3 complete the mind-stretching co-curricular provision, building confidence and independence whilst deepening friendships. Additional trips such as the ski trip or sports tours are also available.

© Devonshire House 2024